The psalmist was right. The heavens truly declare the glory of God.
When I saw this rainbow the other day at a small neighborhood in Montreal, I saw peace amid a strong wind; I saw a faithful Father who keeps the promise He made in the times of Noah; I saw His grace and mercy painted on the sky blanketing a world full of selfishness and darkness.
I can’t help but contemplate how frustrating it must have been for our Holy God to witness the wicked human condition in Genesis 6. It must have been devastating for Him to look upon a creation who had totally neglected their Creator. The Bible said that at that moment, “it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (Genesis 6:6).
I’m pretty sure our generation today is nowhere too far from that Old Testament predicament. And I hope the Lord isn’t grieving as He closely inspects our private lives—unmasked from the superficiality of the self-image we project on our social media.
But you know what, I’m glad the Lord still speaks to us and comforts us through these little wonders. I’m glad He never changes. And I’m glad He still loves me and cares for me despite any shortcomings.
At the end of the day when the colors fade and the waters have finally dried up, God’s grace, love, mercy, and faithfulness will always outshine the testing of times.